What happens when you take JAM Project and their old-school anime sensibilities away from the vaunted Super Robot Wars series? A whole lot of fan service rushes in to fill the vacuum. You get Mizuki Nana playing a busty fairy princess, and watch an opening sequence that’s so shamelessly fan service-oriented that one of the girls fondles herself and looks enviously at the other girls. Why, back in my day of playing Super Robot Wars, the opening song was called “Rocks” and consisted of a lot of shouting the words “SUPER ROBOT” over and over again. And we were happy with these things! Check after the jump for what I’m used to out of the Super Robot Wars series, and not this seiyuu idol stuff!
Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to play my newly arrived copy of Mugen no Frontier Exceed in a corner where no one can see me, so as to hide my shame.
The aforementioned Rocks was the opening for the first Super Robot Wars game I played, OGs for the PS2. It has a great guitar intro, and goes down quickly from there, but it still gets stuck in the head quite easily:
However, my friends shoved Super Robot Wars music down my throat years before, and the defining song of Super Robot Wars history is definitely the epic Skill, which is a concert favorite and a karaoke staple. It’s hard not to love the song with the incredible live performances they keep putting on at Animelo:
Man. That song makes me want to punch a robot in the face. With my MANLINESS.
[Via http://animereel.com]
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