I’m back, baby.
I needed a break, some time with my besties, major snuggling with my bunnies, baking, and stuff. It is good to take time to look back on the year and think about how I plan to move forward in the next decade. Good times.
As I sat by the fire with a bunny and a beer, I started thinking about how many words I like that begin with the letter B. I think it may be my second-favorite letter, after L, of course. (I love the letter L! It’s such a lovely, luscious and limber letter!) Since I love making lists, I decided to jot down a few of my favorite B-words. Brilliant, right? Don’t make fun of me. I like actually writing on paper with a nice pen. It feels good. It is therapeutic, like the lists. Note: I used a purple pen because purple is my favorite color and it begins with P, my third-favorite letter.
- Bunnies. Duh. If you don’t know how much I love bunnies, then you don’t know me. Period. My bunnies make me so happy. I love hugging them, playing with them, and photographing them. “A bunny’s a delightful habit, No home’s complete without a rabbit.” — Marshmallow by Clare Turlay Newberry.
- Beer. Um, duh, again. I love delicious beer. I love drinking delicious beers with my friends at my favorite bar. Mmm… beer. True fact: I do not like hoppy beers, but I like hoppy rabbits.
- Banjo. If you read this old but newly posted blog, you will see that way back in March I wrote about my desire to learn how to play the banjo, and you will understand my love of the banjo and how unbelievably excited I was to open my presents on Christmas morning and find that Santa gave me a banjo! Best Chrismukkah ever. Now it’s time for banjo lessons.
- Books. Hello? Librarian here! I love books. I love to give books, I love to receive books. I love to smell books, I love to read books. That’s a whole lot of love.
- Boys. The cute ones who are really smart and funny. That’s what I’m talking about. Clever boys, sweet boys. I don’t like stinky boys. I like boys who shower often, don’t have much chest hair, and would never grow a stupid mustache. Yummy boys. Note: I am not currently accepting applications for new boys — well, not unless you are a totally fabulous gay boy, because gay boyfriends are like Jell-O.
- Birthdays. I am not afraid of getting older. I love birthdays. In fact, I just had a birthday a few weeks ago, and it was awesome.
- Butter. Real butter. Buttery grits, buttered muffins, butter cookies, butter pecan ice cream. Mmm… butter. Go ahead with your Paula Deen jokes, but butter makes me happy.
- Balls. Big balls. You know, those giant illuminated balls that people hang from trees during the holidays? Love those. I like the big paper lantern balls, too. And I like saying the word. Balls.
- Boobs. Bong. Beaver. Baboon. Bamboo. Bumble. Just saying these words makes me happy. Go ahead. Say them out loud. Fun, isn’t it?
- Buffalo. The Beautiful Buffalo River makes me happy. It is one of the most beautiful places on earth.
- Bonus. A bonus is always good. Here are a few bonuses: Brownies. Besties. Badminton. And finally, Bench Monday. Wuh-hat? Yeah, you heard me. Bench Monday. This will make more sense (maybe) when you see what led to the discovery of Bench Monday.
Yesterday, Monday, morning. I’m still in my pajamas, looking at the internets, chatting with my friend Darla, and I see that she posted a new photo to her flickr page. I also notice that she added it to the group Bench Monday, and that made me laugh. Being the good friend that she is, Darla tells me to take a photo and add it to the Bench Monday pool. Yes, she dared me to do it, and I did it — quickly. It felt really good. All joking aside, I ended up taking this really awesome photo, if I do say so myself. It makes me happy, at least. Thank you, Darla. I will never make fun of your odd flickr groups again.

Banjo Bench Monday
There you go. Happy B words. Now, I’m going to go ahead and start working on Plan B, because I really think it’s the better plan.
[Via http://librarianlyssa.wordpress.com]
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