Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Lindsay Lohan Finally Gets Naked For Realsy

I’m going to throw this out there. Lindsay Lohan just might do porn at some point her life.

These pictures are from the latest issue of Muse magazine and not only do they have Lindsay Lohan getting dirty in a threesome but they also have the one thing we really wanted in 2002 but never got – Lindsay Lohan’s boobs. Yeah I know we’ve seen the odd nipple slip but I don’t think I can recall a time when she actually whipped them out there like a breastfeeding mother for the world to see. Kind of cool.

The only bad thing about this is that these pictures are coming about 5 years too late. Yeah at one time I really wanted to give the inside of Lindsay’s thighs a really bad rug burn but now it’s just kind of… meh. Don’t get me wrong though. I’d hit it but if I was standing in a room with a bunch of girls and she was on the other side, I don’t really know if it would be worth the effort of walking all the way there. I’d probably get bored about halfway there, look at the floor, check Twitter and then realize that a Fresh Prince of Belair rerun was on and then go home.

Check the gallery below for the boob shots


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