Monday, January 4, 2010

Buba Express.

On the train tracks I stood listening to the railway band a few distances away singing some Sinhala melodies. My friend had gone to buy the weed and I was waiting until the transaction was over. What I wanted to be a quiet night turned into a very exciting one for me. My friend came and we went over to his place to smoke the boob doob (why am I obsessed with this word. See below) we got. Boobs. Smoked up the doob we bought and went to my place to watch a movie. Guess what movie we watched?

The joint hit like mara widiyata and we were trying to find out ways of red eye reduction (not the photography concept, noob!) Oh, rhymes with boob..   Ten minutes into the film I was wishing that I was alone, not in company. Because you know, I feel shit like that sometimes. Soon my wish was granted. My friend decided to leave and I was left alone. Coolies. Watched the movie a bit more and got bored. Decided to smoke the other joint I had got for myself. Hmm. Bad roll from the Buba dude had fucked up the joint. I tried to fix it but then decided to undo it and roll again with better paper.

And that’s when the trouble started.

First, I tried to roll with shitty paper (Grade C) without using my good paper (Stingy!), but it was too fucked up. I tried to do this cool thing I saw on youtube, where he burns away a strip of the paper. I lit the paper and the whole thing was lit, and the fan in the room started blowing ash everywhere in the room, it was like a grey Christmas (Awww). I ran to switch off the fan. Then I took my Grade B paper. Rolled. Shape, not bad for a roll from Grade B. Went to the toilet and lit the fucker up. But I couldn’t feel a damn thing. The roach was fucked. Went back to find a match to clear the roach, tried a few times didn’t work and came back to roll it properly again. This is what happens when you buy weed off your mom’s money.

Tried a harder board and that didn’t work. Looked for a better board and then rolled again. I was really tired of all the hassle I was going through. Then I remembered that great quote ‘perseverance is like awesome. And I grit my teeth and rolled a successful one. There you go. To the bathroom, light it, smoke it. Wait for it. Let it out. Ohh dear….

It hit me like a pom pom (like a pom pom), ok I’m just kidding, and it hit me like really hard. I was so fucked. Second puff. This weed was so good. I was practically stumbling in the darkness.  I heard footsteps on the stairway and quickly closed the door. I stood in the darkness looking in the mirror, or the blackness before me. I took a drag and I saw a bit of my face dimly illuminated in the mirror for a few seconds. Then darkness again, as I put my hand down. Wow. Trippy. A few minutes later the joint was over and I flushed it down the toilet. I had to clean up the ash. Later, I said. To myself. Stumbled out into my room. I had to do something about the smoke smell. Opened my cupboard, took out my perfume and sprayed into the fan. OOWWW MY EYES!!! STUPID FUCK! Waited for my eyes to be shape again and sprayed around the room this time with my face turned away. You live what you learn.


I could barely walk. I stumbled near my desk and fell down on my knees. Fuck! I lay back down and rested my head on the floor and looked down at the ground.  There was crushed weed here and there. A koombiya was nibbling at one. I saw him wobble away after a few seconds. Stoned? (That would be awesome) I got up again and cleaned the area. What a mess I‘ve made. First high (at home) of the year. Shitty Roll. Awesome High. I chose some music to listen to and closed my eyes. Thought it would be a good idea to write this post. Although it’s hard I knew I had to do it. Perseverance is like awesome. On to MS word. And my hands go to the keyboard. I type.

Boob Express.


Happy New Year People! :)


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