Wednesday, January 13, 2010

The Caffeine Experiment: Day 2

I love coffee. I started drinking it regularly the year after college when I discovered that Dunkin’ Donuts made something other than chocolate glazed donuts. I originally started drinking it for the euphoric taste. The slight hint of vanilla mixed with 3 Splenda packets and cream brought my already ridiculously strong body to a new level of feeling goodness. At first, one small cup in the morning was enough to satisfy my superhuman taste buds.

After a few months of dabbling with a small dose of this lovely concoction, I stepped up my game and moved up to the medium sized cup.  I discovered the positive benefits that slightly too much caffeine had on my already efficient work habits. My fingers typed faster than my eyes could read. When my sight finally caught up to the cursor, I realized that I had still typed with amazing accuracy. It was then that I knew that Coffee was, indeed, “The $hit.” The 16 ounces of my daily Dunkin’s was all I needed to survive the Arctic, Boston winters.

The Summer came and I was introduced to another wonderful new product, iced coffee. It was just like regular coffee but colder. Not only did it jilt you up the morning like a 6 inch line of coke (acola,)  but the ice cubes kept you cool and refreshed as well. I was as excited as George Washington when he discovered electricity. Coffee was the gift that kept on giving and I didn’t care that I was drinking 2 cups of it a day because it was freakin’ delicious.

After 3 years of regular coffee drinking, it’s pretty safe to say that I’m addicted. I’m not ashamed because I think there are a lot worse things I could be addicted to like cigarettes, crack, or playing with a pet cat. Yesterday was my first day in years that I didn’t have a single dose of caffeine. I didn’t even realize it until now but that means that I haven’t had a single caffeinated beverage in about 40 hours. The greatest part about it is that I’m not even slightly tired right now. Does this mean that I should stop drinking it entirely? I’m not sure if I’m ready, or even in need of that type of sacrifice but I am going to do an experiment.

Starting yesterday, I’m not going to drink any caffeinated beverages for an entire week. No caffeine in the morning, none before exercising and none while working. I’ll post my experience right here and see if it makes any difference in my life whatsoever. I really don’t know what to expect but I do know that I fell asleep for a few minutes right after eating breakfast this morning so this could be pretty interesting.


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