I’m going to keep this kind of short and sweet….maybe…..but anyway, this was one of the few (three) shows that I planned on checking out this season, mainly due to this dude (Sasha the Martyr), who has a bad ass appearance that just screams “bad ass appearance.”
If you know this show, then you realize that this is only this dude’s “normal everyday” appearance, not his bad ass appearance. His bad ass appearance is much more bad ass, but I’m not going to show you that one (because I’m too lazy to backtrack through the episode and take a screen shot). Basically, this is a dude who doesn’t take shit. Fuck, he doesn’t even take praise, he just handles business.
Anyway, that was the reason for me starting this show. Other than that, I had no idea what this was about. Apparently, it has something to do with God, and Alchemy as well as sick Alchemy fight scenes, which are sick, and awesome.
One thing I didn’t realize that this anime had was a shitload of boobs. There’s tits flying left and right in this show, and depending on which version you watch, these boobs can either be covered, or not. In fact, on of the ways that bad ass dude gets powered up is by sucking tits. He literally drink tit milk for power. Normally, I would find this funny, and awesome. but in this case, I feel like it kind of takes away from the bad assness that this show could be.

Don’t get me wrong, I love tits, but honestly, how can I take anything in this show seriously when there’s stuff like this going on? At least make it like…..match the anime better. Keep in mind that the above scene took place right in the middle of a fucking awesome fight scene, thus making all of my adrenaline seize, and ruining the fight scene for several seconds (until the fighting commenced, at which point I didn’t care about this anymore). But I do feel like the fan service and bullshit like the above picture does take away from what I wanted out of this originally: Awesome Shit.
That being said, this show still kicks ass, and I am DEFINITELY going to keep watching it.
That being said, I may opt for the censored version, because I think I actually want less retardedness for this show. Here is why I like this show:
Enjoyment- Clearly there are lesbians.
- Clearly there is alchemy (because they say so)
- Clearly there is a bad as character who is also mysterious.
- Clearly there are awesome fight scenes.
- Clearly there is a mysterious background and things happening in the shadows.
- Lots of huge boobs.
- Blatant and Funny Fanservice.
- Boob Milk (that’s right, and it’s not even acidic!).
- More boobs.
- Girl’s with tremendously large boobs.
- Don’t get me wrong, I love tits (in real life), but throwing tits in this is like throwing tits in…..well…….a show where tits don’t really belong (maybe like FMA?). They just don’t go with the show. You might get this, you might not.
- There’s also the chance that I’m completely wrong and that the boobs will simply enhance everything.
Now, let it be known that I watched both versions of this first episode (duh), so I made a decision based on a comparison, which version I preferred. So let me say this: If you want some naked tits and some boob suckling, go for the uncensored version and have a blast (maybe even literally, if you like that kind of thing). If you’re looking for subsequently less fanservice, do what I’m doing and watch the censored version, which isn’t as bad, although some scenes piss me off, when there’s dialogue and sound effects, and all there showing is a fucking tree or something. That pisses me off a little, and might have me ending up watching the uncensored version when it’ all said and done. Either way, it’s a good show.
My PredictionMafuyu suckles on Tomo’s tits, and gets awesome power. I mean, Mafuyu and Tomo (do I even have their names right?) obviously need to bang by the end of this. Clearly they want to, Mafuyu keeps saying that she wants to get stronger, and the bad ass kid told her that she needs to get stronger. Usually that means that she’s going to get stronger. Likewise, tit milk obviously has a positive effect on people like the bad ass dude, and Tomo (if that’s her name) has huge fucking tits. It just seems like the most likely scenario.
And with that, I say that this show gets the Glo the Legend mark of approval, although it should be taken with caution.
[Via http://glothelegend.wordpress.com]
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