Sunday, September 20, 2009

686. Breasts Exposed in Public — Part II

I got ahead of social development with too much detail about how men respond to bare boobs in the public arena. Mrs. Guy vetoed my effort, so I’ll fall back, recap, and stay on track.

Europe. Women appear topless in various areas where interaction between the sexes is not normally face to face. Such as swimming pools, beaches, saunas, etc. Also, breasts and full female nudity sometimes appear in newspapers, advertisements, and TV commercials. Women should pay more attention. It opens the door for expansion of breast exposure and full nudity, when the right inducements come along. The next generation or two of young females will provide such inducement.

America. Young women, especially coeds and concert goers, lift tee shirts to expose their breasts. We can call them the first generation. What will the second generation look like and do? The third? If the history of copying European social practices means anything, American women will venture into other areas close to but somehow different from Europeans. The net result, however, means more boobs in the limelight and full nudity on the way.

Trends. A new generation comes around about every seven years. About that often girls (and boys too) turn away from their older siblings and generate new and different social identities, habits, music, and adventures that put a stamp on their generation. Invariably, they outdo their siblings who outdid their moms.

That’s the situation. Tomorrow, some effects on men and women.

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