Friday, October 9, 2009


Yep, that’s right you yuppies, what’s that masterpiece chilln’ on my upper lip … looks like something Michelangelo sculpted huh. That ain’t no Photoshop, that ’stache is legit.

Moustache ride, 10 cent.

My moustache loves reading.

I don’t know what it is about owning your own ’stach, but let me tell you, it feels great. Just look at that thing, makes you want to hit somebody.

What is he pointing at? Irrelevant, just look at that 'stache.

Wow, look at that thing. Magnificent. Is that not close enough for you?


There you have it, they have arrived. Arvil and Josh have acquired the two most glorious moustaches available. These shpuppies practically pay for themselves, the amount of profits these moustaches will rake in is unparalleled to the cash were making beforehand.

So, what would happen if we were to somehow multiply our ’staches?

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